In 1848 before Utah was a state, and before the Federal Reserve started issuing Dollars (1913), the Utah territory minted their own currency, called Deseret Coin. We have minted a new cyrpto currency called Deseret Token after it's namesake. The Utah DAO is governed by the Deseret Token (DSRT). Stay tuned for an airdrop coming soon :-)
The Utah DAO was established to educate, support, and grow the crypto community in Utah. Where it goes from here lies in its membership, what they propose, and how they vote.
We are looking for like-minded people who feel the call of freedom and want to participate in helping the local community. To become a member of the Utah DAO, please follow the steps below.
In order to interact with the DAO, and to cast votes you need to use a web3 wallet such as MetaMask. Click here to install MetaMask.
Install MetaMaskThe Utah DAO was created on the Polygon platform. MATIC is the native currency for Polygon. You'll need MATIC in your MetaMask wallet to participate in the DAO. Ensure your MATIC is on the Polygon network, not Ethereum.
Buy MATICThe DAO is always working, discussing, and proposing new crypto projects. If you'd like to work on, or propose a new project, come join the discussion. Current and past projects are linked to here.
If you align with the principles of financial sovereignty, and helping the local community, please consider making a donation to the Utah DAO, and consider becoming a member. Donations can be made with any ERC-20 tokens, and must be on the Polygon platform (not Ethereum).
The Utah DAO is run on the Aragon framework. Aragon is an open source infrastructure that provides tools that allow you to pool capital in the DAO vault, and govern in a transparent way. You can see the Utah DAO right now without being a member. The only difference is that you have no authority to vote etc. Click the button below to see the DAO in all it's glorified transparency.